Christopher Rouse
Christopher Rouse

I'm the third generation of my family in the film business, and I grew up with a deep passion for movies. I made my own Super 8 films when I was a kid and always loved the editing process.

Chuck Norris
Chuck Norris

When I got into the film business, my aim was to adopt a positive persona, of a guy who fights against injustice. And it saved me, because my acting was atrocious to say the least!

Daniel Craig
Daniel Craig

I genuinely believe that if you want to get in the film business, get in the film business.

Daniel Craig
Daniel Craig

You know, I think the film business is its own worst enemy because it sells movies on DVD footage and 'behind the scenes,' and now it's a real struggle trying to keep storylines and plotlines a secret.

Danny Huston
Danny Huston

I resisted the film business as long as I could, because of the big circus act and the amount of money that it costs to make films - I saw my father suffer through that.

Danny Trejo
Danny Trejo

The blessing that this film business has given me is that when I walk into a school I automatically have everyone's attention. They want to hear what the guy from 'Con Air' and 'Desperado' has to say.

David Cassidy
David Cassidy

The television and film business has never really been kind or compassionate, in general.

David Harbour
David Harbour

The more I work in the film business, the more I see that those guys, the directors, have the most fun on set.

Dede Gardner
Dede Gardner

I always loved movies as a child, and I love story. I got my degree in English. Film and story seemed, to me, the vector of the movie business. I really didn't know what 'the film business' meant, but I decided I wanted to be in it.

Deepika Padukone
Deepika Padukone

I've always believed that as actors, one of the biggest advantages of being in the film business - not just of being actors, but being in this industry - is the fact that you get to travel so much, and you get to see places that you probably would not if you went just as a tourist.